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Home training:
not just pink leotards and steppers!

Compared to a few years ago, home training is much more common these days, even among experts. Not only is it the choice of beginners, it has also become the favourite way of training for professionals and enthusiasts who do not have enough time to go to the gym.

With the right rhythm and high quality equipment, you can achieve excellent results in just 30-45 minutes of training at home.

Everything you need for your
personal gym

If you want to equip your home for your workouts, we can help you select everything you need to create a gym that's just right for you. From simple weights, elastic bands and steppers, to treadmills, bicycles and gym machines, put your trust in us and we'll put together a complete set of equipment for your total body workouts.

Balmelli Sport, passione per lo sport


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